Our Brand

L’Image Handbags sell leather and synthetic bags,  travel bags, briefcases and wallets by the brand HEXAGONA– PARIS.  Founded in 1996, Hexagona is a family story centred in the Marais, in the heart of Paris. More than an accessory, HEXAGONA bags are an extension of the personality of the carrier and are resolutely stylish and practical.

We strive to elevate the style and image of our clients. We value confidence, authenticity, warmth, credibility and above all personalized service.

It is equally important to have a connection with our customers and this can be seen in the “a” and “g” of our name as both are connected to one another. We want our client’s personal image to shine while carrying the handbag, hence the use of the star shape in our name.


To offer trendy, quality curated and beautiful bags for women and men that will capture the essence of their personality and image.

I have always loved being fashionable and impeccably “pert”. Shoes of all shapes and colours are fascinating. And what more to complement a pair of shoes is a beautiful handbag.